Sectoral agreements

United Nations, European Union, GUFs, etc.:
Agreement Sector

AIIC documents

Code of Ethics

AIIC Professional Standards


Rules of Procedure, Regulations

AIIC Switzerland documents

Règlement régional de la Région Suisse

Réglement financier de la Région Suisse

RSI – remote simultaneous interpreting

In this section, AIIC Switzerland wants to provide you with some relevant information on RSI.

AIIC RSI Template for Contractual Disclaimer and Liability Clauses and/or Contract Addendum (June 2020)

UN-Sector Position Paper on DI from hub / AIIC-UN Negotiation Delegation (June 2020)

AIIC Switzerland Reference guide to RSI (May 2020)

AIIC – Interpreter-Checklist (May 2020)

UN-Sector position paper on DI in extremis from home / AIIC-UN Negotiating Delegation (April 2020)

AIIC best practices for interpreters during the Covid-19 crisis (March 2020)

AIIC Covid-19 Intro – Distance Interpreting Recommendations for Institutions (March 2020)

AIIC Technical Study RSI (February 2019)

AIIC Guidelines for Distance Interpreting (1.0) (January 2019)

AIIC Position on Distance Interpreting (2018) (March 2018)

Comparison of RSI plateforms (in French, Chambre belge des traducteurs et interprètes (CBTI))

Presentation: Thoughts on DI (04.04.20 – TFDI, AIIC Canada)

Presentation: DI – Bonnes et mauvaises pratiques (04.04.2020, Kathleen Ratel, AIIC Canada)

Presentation: RSI audio scenarios (04.04.2020, Jean Marc Larivière, AIIC Canada)

Presentation: DI – A Nuremberg Moment for our Time (18.01.2015, Andrew Constable, AIIC TFDI)

Video: The Basics: remote interpreting in the CoVid 19 World – do’s & don’t’s

Video: Acoustic shock. Protection now! Video. David Violet


History of the profession

History of the profession

and Interpreter Zero by Christine Adams

Pension funds for interpreters

AIIC encourages freelance interpreters to consider their pension and social-security needs, even if far in the future. These are two funds established by interpreters for interpreters.

Pension Fund CPIT;  CPIT’s Website

Pension Fund CPIC

Interesting blogs and resources

Interpreting explained – Video

A word in your ear – Youtube channel

Interpreting bibliography

Terminology resources

IATE – the EU database (all official languages)

Termium – database of the Canadian Government