Venue: Geneva| Maison des Associations – Plainpalais
Participation contribution: 20 CHF**
Remote simultaneous interpretation (RSI) is expected to have a significant impact on the interpreting profession, and the time is ripe for taking stock of how it may affect the market and the way in which interpretation services are delivered. This seminar will be an opportunity to hear about ongoing research on RSI and discuss the latest technical developments but also possible scenarios for the future. The round table that will follow the presentations will bring together the three speakers and Monica Varela-Garcia, Chief interpreter at the International Labour Organization (ILO), to allow all participants to engage in a critical debate on this important subject.
- Klaus Ziegler, AIIC member, Coordinator of the AIIC Technical and Health Committee, on « the latest developments in the field of R(S)I and the different possible scenarios for the future ».
- Prof. G. Kilian Seeber, Vice Dean at the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, Director at Interpreting Department, AIIC member: « Remote Simultaneous Interpreting: smoke, mirrors and snake oil? »
- Amy Brady, Staff interpreter at UNOG, AIIC member on « Interpretation of Videoconferences at UNOG ».
- The presentations will be followed by a thought-provoking round table with our panelists and Monica Varela-Garcia, Chief interpreter at ILO.
Detailed Programme seminar 2020.02.29 v4
You can also find a summary of the three presentations on RI that were delivered in Bern during the first part of the Seminar cycle on RI organised by AIIC Switzerland.
During the event, we encourage participants to use #AIIC_CH #r1nt to share their thoughts on tweeter.
** Due to the number of participants registering for this event, the Swiss Regional Bureau has decided to ask participants attending the drinks reception for a voluntary contribution of CHF20.- per person, to be collected on the day.
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